Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Obama Supporter Stumped When Chris Mathews Asks For Obama's Accomplishments

From The Chicago Tribune on February 20, 2008 by Frank James and Rick Pearson:

"Texas State Sen. Kirk Watson is in today's news cycle in a big way, certainly unhappily so for him.

When MSNBC's Chris Matthews asked Watson, an Obama supporter, to name some of Obama's legislative accomplishments, Watson couldn't. Certainly an embarrassment for Watson who one might think, as a lawmaker himself might've studied up on Obama's U.S. Senate record just out of curiosity.

It wouldn't surprise if the Obama campaign from hereon out e-mailed more background information to its surrogates like Watson in order to help them help their candidate and to prevent similar televised humiliation. Surrogates are supposed to help the candidate, not give the opposition more ammo.

As could be expected, Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Republican National Committee wasted no time in attempting to make hay from Watson's stumble. It plays well into their line of attack that Obama's a greenhorn whose only accomplishment has been to somehow brainwash a good part of the American populace.

Clinton, speaking in New York this morning, said the Obama surrogate’s TV appearance was another sign that has become “more apparent every day” that the Illinois senator has few accomplishments"